Well today it is windy indeed. So being inside finishing some projects and drinking tea is just perfect. So far no more snow here in Ås (outside Nora, Sweden).
I have finished November months mittens "Pixie Warmers" in StickaMeras "Pulsclub" (mittens club). I made the mittens in Sandnes Alpakka and red one´s this time to. These mittens is a christmas present for my niece, so anyone know her do not tell her please :-). Hopefully she will be pleased with them. So now on to the next knitting project . . . . . . . . . :-).
Yesterday I discovered that there was no teabags left! I use tea bags in the morning and loose tea in the evenings, well other times to but I want to have time for loose tea and don´t like to prepare that when I´m in hurry. Hmmmm, grrrrrr into the pantry and looking round a bit. Aaaaaaa and there I found some tea flower "balls". It is tied tea leaves, when placed in hot water bloom to beautiful flowers. And the taste is quite goood also, shall mention that it is green tea. So I have to use these tea "balls" to warm me up untill today (have tea bags now). The "balls" I used has the long name "China Fujian Floating Osmanthus".
Art is science made clear.
~ Jean Cocteau
~ Jean Cocteau
be nice to each other